Chinese Number Converter

Chinese Numbers
Capital Chinese Numbers

What is a Chinese Number?

Chinese numbers, also known as Hanzi numbers, are a commonly used method of representing numbers in Chinese, using specific characters to represent different values. Unlike Arabic numerals, Chinese numbers are primarily used in written and formal contexts, such as contracts, bills, checks, and more.

Basic Rules of Chinese Numbers

The Chinese number system uses basic digits from zero to nine, combined with units such as ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, and hundred million to represent larger numbers. Unlike Arabic numerals, Chinese numbers follow a writing system used mainly in formal settings to prevent manipulation. The structure of Chinese numbers mainly includes the following symbols:

Arabic NumberChineseCapital Number

How to Convert Arabic Numbers to Chinese Numbers?

To convert Arabic numbers into Chinese numbers, follow these steps:

  1. Group the Numbers: Divide the Arabic number into groups of four digits, starting from the right. If there are fewer than four digits on the left, just keep the actual number.
  2. Convert Each Group: Break each group down into individual digits for the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones place. Convert each digit and add the appropriate unit (千, 百, 十) for non-zero digits. Then, combine the results.
  3. Handling Zeros: If a number contains multiple consecutive zeros, Chinese typically uses a single "零" to represent them. If the number ends with a zero, the "零" is usually omitted.
  4. Handling "One": When "one" appears in the tens place (e.g., 10), it is omitted, so "10" becomes "十" rather than "一十". If there is a higher non-zero digit before the tens place, "一" should be retained (e.g., 110 becomes "一百一十").
  5. Combine Groups: After converting each group, combine the results into the final Chinese number, adding large number units (兆, 亿, 万) from high to low. If a group of four digits is all zeros, it and its unit are omitted.


1. Basic Conversion: Convert the number 205

2. Large Number Conversion: Convert the number 1,023,456,789

3. Complex Zero Handling: Convert the number 1,001,001

How to Convert Chinese Numbers to Arabic Numbers?

  1. Group the Numbers: Split the Chinese number into groups based on large number units (兆, 亿, 万).
  2. Convert Each Group: Break down each group by the units of thousands (千), hundreds (百), tens (十), and ones . Calculate the value of each digit according to its position (e.g., thousands place is multiplied by 1000, hundreds place by 100, tens place by 10).
  3. Sum the Results: Multiply each group's result by the corresponding large number unit (e.g., 亿 is multiplied by 100,000,000, 万 by 10,000), then sum the results.


Convert the Chinese number: 三亿二千一百万零五百

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