Armenian Number Converter
Armenian Numbers
Actual Result
What are Armenian Numerals?
The Armenian numeral system is a letter-based numerical system and one of the traditional numeral systems used in the Armenian language. Each letter corresponds to a number, and combinations of these letters can represent any number. The Armenian numeral system is mainly used in historical Armenian documents and certain religious texts, although today most people use Arabic numerals in daily life.
Basic Rules of the Armenian Numeral System
The Armenian numeral system is based on the Armenian alphabet, with each letter corresponding to a specific numeric value. Common Armenian numeral letters and their corresponding values are as follows:
Letter | Number | Letter | Number | Letter | Number |
Ա | 1 | Ժ | 10 | Ճ | 100 |
Բ | 2 | Ի | 20 | Մ | 200 |
Գ | 3 | Լ | 30 | Յ | 300 |
Դ | 4 | Խ | 40 | Ն | 400 |
Ե | 5 | Ծ | 50 | Շ | 500 |
Զ | 6 | Կ | 60 | Ո | 600 |
Է | 7 | Հ | 70 | Չ | 700 |
Ը | 8 | Ձ | 80 | Պ | 800 |
Թ | 9 | Ղ | 90 | Ջ | 900 |
How to Represent Other Numbers?
Letter Combination Order
The Armenian numeral system does not have a symbol for zero. Instead, numbers are represented through combinations of letters. Each number is made up of letter combinations, with larger values usually placed on the left. For example, the number 1975 can be represented as "ՌՋՀԵ", where:
- "Ռ" represents 1000
- "Ջ" represents 900
- "Հ" represents 70
- "Ե" represents 5
- 1000 + 900 + 70 + 5 = 1975
Thus, 1000 + 900 + 70 + 5 = 1975, and the number 1975 can be represented as the letter combination "ՌՋՀԵ" without the need for a zero. While there are no strict rules about the arrangement of letters, larger values (such as thousands and hundreds) are generally placed on the left for clarity and ease of reading.
Representing Large Numbers
When numbers exceed 9000, Armenian numerals use a horizontal line above a letter to indicate that the value should be multiplied by 10,000. For example:
- The number 10000 is represented by Ա where "Ա" corresponds to 1, and the horizontal line above it indicates that 1 should be multiplied by 10,000, so 1 × 10000 = 10000
- The number 13145200 can be represented as ՌՅԺԴՐՄ where ՌՅԺԴ represents 1314, and the horizontal line indicates it should be multiplied by 10,000; ՐՄ represents 5200, so the result is 1314 × 10000 + 5200 = 13145200.
This method of adding a horizontal line is commonly used to represent large numbers over 9000, ensuring accurate representation of the number.
Note: To make it easier for users to input, the Armenian Number Converter uses parentheses to replace the horizontal line above the letters. For example, (ՌՅԺԴ)ՐՄ represents ՌՅԺԴՐՄ, which converts to 13145200.